Amazing Twists on Traditional Tea, Shuhari Matcha Cafe

Amazing Twists on Traditional Tea, Shuhari Matcha Café

Centuries of traditional Japanese tea craft mingle with modern treats at Shuhari Matcha Café. Japanese high-quality tea ceremony matcha is whisked and served. Just like the kind that is served by kimono-clad beauties in Kyoto. However, the café also adds creative twists on classic Japanese and American comfort foods. Coconut milk swirls in steaming matcha lattes, cornflakes garnish green tea sundaes and matcha powder speckles balsamic glazed strawberry bread rolls.

For purchase, too, are the hot pink and purple teapots, which interrupt the procession of Japanese tea ware of yesteryear. The clean wood lines and plethora of tea evidence the Japanese reverence for beauty and matcha. Besides tea though other out-of-the box takes on food are found. The ancient art of Japanese rice ball (onigiri) making with pickles is transformed into Creamy Ume (plum) Chicken onigiri-sandwiches. This clever café has plenty of vegan options and is easy on the budget.  The entertaining views of the catwalk-ready fashionistas strolling Abbot Kinney Boulevard are free.

ヴェニス(Venice)のおしゃれなAbbot Kinney Blvd守破離(Shuhari)抹茶カフェは観光客を見ながら日本から毎月輸入された前田園(Maeda-en)の抹茶を 楽しめます。 守破離とは、日本の茶道、武道、芸術における師弟関係のあり方の一つだそうです。そのために日本の伝統的な材料を西洋人の好みに合わせて主に抹茶を使った飲み物、さらに、モダンなおにぎりやバーガーやスイーツを提供しているカフェです。このカフェでは、日本の茶道のお点前を体験することができ、美味しい抹茶をいただくことができます。又、日本の伝統を伝えるために美しい急須や茶碗の販売をしています。茶道教室も毎月開催しておられます。インスタで@shuharicafeをフオローすると開催日が分ります。)しかし一番人気がある飲み物は抹茶きなこラテです。全ての料理は健康的です。超美味しい抹茶カステラサンディーも黒ゴマを入れて健康的なデザートになっています。Maeda-enとCool Japan Fundのおかげで日本の伝統とマダンの美しさと美味しさは Shuhari抹茶カフェで体験できます。来年ロサンゼルスの辺りにもう二つのShuhari抹茶カフェをオープンされるそうです。その前に、オリジナルのShuhari抹茶カフェに行って見てはいかがですか。

Japanese Matcha Latte, Shuhari Matcha Cafe Style

Japanese Matcha Green Tea Latte Shuhari Matcha Cafe Latte Easy Recipe

Scrumptious green tea ice cream is in the USA thanks to Mr. Taku Maeda. The CEO of Maeda-en and a co-owner of Shuhari Matcha Cafe has been in the business of tea for 32 years. His expertise is reflected in this Shuhari Matcha Latte recipe. Enjoy!

P.s. If you're in the Venice, California area, a visit to Shuhari Matcha Cafe on Abbot Kinney is a must.


2 teaspoons high quality Japanese matcha tea powder (preferably from Maeda-en)

1/4 cup hot water (ideally 85° C, 185° F)

1/4 ~ 1/2 cup hot milk (almond, coconut, skim all work)



Place 2 teaspoons matcha powder into a cup. 

Pour in the hot water. Stir vigorously.

Whisk in the desired milk.

Sip whilst reading a good book or enjoying delicious conversation! 


Shuhari Matcha Café
1522 Abbot Kinney Blvd
Venice, CA 90291

For Shuhari Matcha Café coupons and invites to info about Japanese tea:
@ShuhariCafe on Instagram and Twitter
and ShuhariMatchaCafe on  

Tel. (424) 238-8324
Web Site:

Wishing you delicious conversations and sips of heavenly Japanese matcha.

The Ninja Baker

© ™ Watkinson 2012

The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.



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