#Japanese #Idaho #russet #potato #recipes #easy #miso #soysauce

3 Japanese Ways to Dress Up an Idaho Russet Potato

The Idaho russet potato is a tried and true American classic. From the most momentous to mundane moments, the spuds faithfully deliver flavor. Idaho russets dutifully report to the kitchen and are whipped, baked and mashed into deliciousness. Do you have a potato recipe that is a family favorite? Please share!

My husband’s mom was an excellent cook, baker and mother. (Think freshly baked pies every Friday.) David (my husband) was skeptical at first of stretching the boundaries beyond traditional American potato recipes. However, I’m now getting requests on an almost daily basis to add Japanese pizzazz to an Idaho russet. The ingredients are easily attainable, easy to make…and well, a fantastic way to enjoy the joys of both Japanese and American cuisine! Want to take a peek at the how-tos?