Oreo Taco Cookies #SundaySupper

Since samurai times Boy’s Day (now Japanese Children’s Day) is celebrated on May 5 in Japan. After vanquishing the French in 1862, Mexican warriors started the tradition of a great big party on May 5, Cinco de Mayo. Although the reasons for the festivities are different, both holidays honor courage. The French word for heart is coeur. All great warriors know that to engage in battle takes great heart. Festivals are fun. But whilst nibbling, oh, say on an Oreo Taco Cookie and staring at a samurai accouterment, it’s nice to remember why the May 5 holidays began.

So, I’m glad that parades still take place in Puebla, Mexico where the battle victory over the French occurred.  I’m grateful too that in Japan, remnants of the samurai rituals of initiation remain. Kabuto, the crowning helmet of battle armor is displayed in many homes. Koi, carp flags flutter everywhere, symbolizing the brave fish that swim upstream.

Japanese Children’s Day is also about praying for the health of our kidlets. Sweets such as kashiwamochi (pounded rice with red bean curd wrapped in an oak leaf) are enjoyed. But I don’t know if health conscious mothers would allow my Oreo Taco Cookies! Oreo Taco Cookies are essentially Chocolate Oreo cookies stuffed into a Golden Oreo “taco” shells.  Frosting, chocolate and Japanese matcha tea flavored coconut flakes also play a role.

Maybe for the Sunday Supper Cinco de Mayo festivities, I should’ve made a Tres Leche Cake. Or another version of my Japanese Mexican tacos. Yet, Oreo Taco Cookie creations are great confidence builders for those of us who find DIY projects and crafting daunting. Plus, Oreo Taco Cookie making is kidlet friendly. It’s on my must-do with children (like my great-nephew and great-niece) list. What are your plans for Cinco de Mayo and/or Children’s Day? Scroll down for scrumptious May 5 meal-planning inspiration.


Oreo Taco Cookies

oreo taco cookies cinco de mayo japanese childrens  day

Oreo Taco Cookies is DYI cookie crafting fun in the kitchen. Ideal for those with kidlets. Oreo Taco Cookies are also a confidence booster for those of us who draw stick figures and /or are not naturally craft inclined.

As the primary ingredients of this “recipe” are Oreos, chocolate and matcha, the results are scrumptious. A crisp golden Oreo taco shell embraces chocolate Oreo frosted “meat.” The matcha tea flavored coconut adds a lovely contrast.

Inspired by an EricaSweetTooth recipe

  • Golden Oreo Cookies, 1 package  (36 cookies)
  • Chocolate Oreo Cookies, 12 cookies (1 row)
  • 1/3 cup Cream Cheese Frosting
  • 1 Tablespoon Cocoa Powder
  • ½ cup Yellow Candy Melts
  • ½ cup Angel Coconut Flakes
  • 1 Tablespoon Matcha (Japanese Green Tea Powder)
  • 3 Japanese Yellow or Orange Hi-Chew OR 3 Yellow or Orange Starburst Candies
  • 50 Red M & Ms (Less if you don’t have any hooligans wanting to sneak a chocolate or 2)
  1. Separate the Golden Oreo Cookies. Scrape off the yummy fillings. (Set aside for a snack OR Discard so you won’t be tempted!) With a sharp knife cut the cookies right above the “Oreo” middle. Many cookies may break but you should find you have enough to make taco cookie shells.
  2. Pulverize the Chocolate Oreo Cookies in a mini food processor. Stir in the cream cheese frosting and tablespoon of cocoa powder.
  3. Microwave the yellow candy melts at 50% power for 30 seconds. Then, another 30 if not completely melted. Stir. Paint the bottom edges of each of the Oreo halves with the melted candy. Place on waxed paper to set.
  4. Whisk together the matcha powder and coconut flakes.
  5. Cut the Hi-Chew or Starbursts into bits to resemble cheese.
  6. Scoop about a teaspoon or less into the Oreo taco shells. Sprinkle with Japanese matcha coated coconut flakes. Top with Hi-Chew or Starburst strips which resemble cheese. Garnish with a tomato red M & M.
  7. Pop into your mouth to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, Japanese Children’s Day or Hey, It’s Monday! 

Today's Sunday Supper feast is hosted by Shelby of Grumpy's Honeybunch.

Sunday Supper Easy Cinco de Mayo Recipes


Sunday Supper Easy Cinco de Mayo Recipes




Sides and Sauces




Sunday Supper MovementJoin the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.


Wishing you a Happy Cinco de Mayo and Happy Children's Day!

The Ninja Baker

© ™ Watkinson 2012

The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.



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