Recipe List

#chocolate #spicy #MichaelSymon #TheChew

Spicy Hot Chocolate

Bittersweet chocolate, cocoa and spices blend into a hot drink with a kick! This grownup cocoa comes courtesy of the recipe in 5 for 5 by Iron Chef and co-host of The Chew, Michael Symon.

#glutenfree #proteinbars #MichaelSymon #TheChew

Gluten-Free Protein Bars

#Thanksgiving #Christmas #KidFriendly #Japanese #Pretz #Glico

Japanese Turkey Rice Balls (Onigiri)

Holidays are made happier with cheery voices of children. Of course, channeling the (sometimes sugar-charged) energy of little ones can be a challenge. Here's a kid-friendly project which will yield yummy and healthy results.

#glutenfree #chocolate #cupcake #Thanksgiving #glutino

Gluten-Free Grateful Thanksgiving Turkey Cupcakes

Gluten-Free Glutino Turkey Cupcakes are at the top of my Thanksgiving gratitude list.
1. The cupcakes are fun to make kid-friendly projects.
2.  The turkey cupcakes are festive.
3. Rich chocolate cake can be shared by all in cupcake form by all. (Nobody ever guesses they are gluten-free!)

You'll need Nutter Butters for your Thanksgiving turkey cupcake decorations. Here's a link to a recipe for gluten-free peanut butter sandwich cream cookies.


Pocky Halloween Cupcakes

The cat's meow!

#Kippy's, #recipe, #chocolate, #nondairy, #organic, #icecream

Kippy's Organic Non-Dairy Chocolate Ice Cream

#glutenfree #cupcake #chocolate #AlmondJoy #SundaySupper

Gluten-Free Almond Joy Cupcakes

Gluten-Free Almond Joy Cupcakes are laden with all the luscious decadence of the Almond Joy candy bar. However, all the ingredients are au naturel. No chemicals. So, smile. Enjoy the lush mingling of chocolate, coconut and almonds!

This recipe yields 14 cupcakes and is adapted from a Hold the Grain post. (The frosting recipe is a Ninja Baker original.)

#glutino #glutenfree #japanese #bento #kidfriendly

ABC Glutino Snack Pack

My ABC Glutino Snack Pack Bento is one smart way to approach snack time. Your child will give you an A+ for yumminess. (Shhh, don’t tell him/her the treats are actually healthy!)


Gluten-Free Strawberry Pop Tart Sandwich Bento

This Gluten-Free Strawberry Pop Tart Sandwich Bento is a twist on a childhood lunch. Cream cheese and jam sandwiches were introduced to me in Tokyo by my stepmother. Apparently it was a ‘50s classic.

Go with red apples for an all red theme. Go for green apples if you prefer a bit of tart to balance sweet pastry.


#glutino #glutenfree #japanese #bento #kidfriendly

Bunny Love Bento

A scrumptious scoop of animal crackers stars in this gluten-free bento lunch. The bento is chock full of veggies, nuts and fruits that a bunny would love. But Bunny Love Bentos are not just for “wabbits.” (Remember the Trix cereal commercial?)

You’ll need:
A Japanese bento box 
Bunny rabbit cookie cutters
