Green Tea and Chocolate Saketini, #SundaySupper

Saving summer harvests and extending the joy of the season is the topic of today's #SundaySupper Twitter chat. (Please scroll down to see your invite to the conversation.) To preserve the pleasures of June harvest Japanese green tea leaves; I created a Green Tea and Chocolate Saketini. The Ninja Baker’s saketini combines a potent combination of whipped cream vodka and sake. Alcohol, I do believe, is the ultimate preserver of premium summertime green tea. 

Sophisticated green tea, sake and vodka say hello to
chocolate cream sandwiches cookies. Who says you can't have it all?

Kyoto - the former hangout and residence of ancient Japan’s Imperial families is a prime residence of high-end green tea. The tea is harvested in June.  (Kyoto was also the capital for many years.) As in different hotspots of green tea cultivation around Japan, the first harvest in Kyoto is considered the best. Screens and shades are often placed around the green tea leaves 20 to 30 days before harvest to avoid overly bitter a tannin taste. The whole process of producing a perfect cup of green tea is similar to the diligent care delivered to bonsai (Japanese dwarf trees.)

Young or old, sisters forever...And forever fans of cupcakes!

All of the above may be interesting. But I had an experience today that shifted my perspective on this saving summer themed Sunday Supper post. As I sipped Queen Bee herbal tea and sifted through e-mail at a local Whole Foods Market, I looked up and witnessed two golden-haired sisters at a table. (My guess is the older one was 9ish and the younger one 6ish.) They both had little scoops of pink ice cream.  The little one stood and stared intently at her older sister.  The 9-year-old girl withdrew a large frosted cookie from a paper sleeve and broke it in half. Perfectly in half.  The 6-year-old sat down looking satisfied with her half. Carefully, the older one gently scooped ice cream with her cookie half. Tears came to my eyes. (Yes, I cry at Hallmark card commercials, too.) Part of my welling eyes stemmed from the pang of seeing the little girls take each other’s company for granted. I felt the same at their age. But now I'm older and knowing my sister is miles away and about to return to Qatar chokes me up a bit. So, part of saving summer for me is keeping treasured summertime days spent with my sister (and other family members) tucked in my heart where they can live forever.

Green Tea and Chocolate Saketini

Sophisticated adult vodka and sake tastes say hello to kid cookies. The matcha green tea latte gives a shy nod of an aftertaste. (If you like matcha green tea, increase the powder mix by a tablespoon or two.)

Ninja Note 1:
A sturdy water bottle filled with crushed ice is a great substitute for a tumbler.

Ninja Note 2:
A slotted spoon helps to retrieve stray ice cubes.

  • 7 tablespoons vanilla ice cream
  • 3 tablespoons matcha green tea powder mix
  • (Or 1 tablespoon pure matcha powder combined with 1½ teaspoons of sugar)
  • 3 tablespoons filtered sake rice wine
  • 3 tablespoons whipped cream flavored vodka
  • 2 Crumbled Oreos or Joe Joe’s (or similar cookie)
  • Crushed ice
  • Your favorite plain chocolate bar
  • Green tea mochi ice cream balls (optional)
  1. Melt the vanilla ice cream in the microwave.
  2. Stir in the matcha powder mix.
  3. Gently whisk in the sake , vodka and cookie crumbles.
  4. Pour the mixture into a tumbler (or a Hello Kitty water bottle!)
  5. Shake vigorously with ice.
  6. Remove the ice. (A slotted spoon works wonders.)
  7. Grate chocolate onto the saketini.
  8. Sip and enjoy. 
    Option: Dunk green tea mochi ice cream balls into the saketini.

Stacy of Food Lust People Love and Tara of Noshing with the Nolands cohost this Sunday Supper. They are both connoisseurs of gourmet cuisine. You can trust their list   of savvy ways to save summer's sweet and savory pleasures.  

Learn how to …

Sip sunny cocktails and smoothies

Scoop up special salsas and sauces

Jump into jellies, jams and preserves

Pucker up for pickles

Slurp and spoon soup and a side dish

Dive into divine desserts


Sunday Supper Movement
Join the #SundaySupper conversation on Twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7 p.m. ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board.

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Wishing you sweet memories from every season.

The Ninja Baker

© ™ Watkinson 2012

The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.



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