Grownup Good Girls

Growing up in Tokyo, while I was a Girl Scout, I missed the best part of being one - the cookies! (Something to do with clearing customs and maintaining freshness.) I did, however, receive an appreciation of Asian art, culture and food. Oh! And an expanded world-view. Hmmm, guess the sacrifice of cookies wasn’t so bad.

After classes at the American School in Japan, I did participate in meetings replete with the pledge, “To serve God and my country.” And earned a ton of Girl Scout bling - aka merit badges: Learning about flora while hiking on the trails of emerald-green covered Mount Takao; studying the skills needed to be a successful homemaker. Yes, folks this was the 1970s. There were no badges for Cookie CEO or Digital Photographer.

(Girl Scout Promise and Takao-san Entryway Images Courtesy of Pinterest)

Times have changed and so have the Girl Scouts. But the foundation, the principles have stayed the same. (Albeit amended to include self-esteem enhancing vows, “to respect myself and others.”) 

After all these years, The Girl Scout Law is still engraved in my heart. So, in my efforts to be “helpful, considerate and caring,” I’ve created Girl Scout Cookie Cupcakes, and even made them healthy for all the other grownup good girls of the world.


????(Su-su: Cool Sensation)


The Ninja Baker's take on the Girl Scouts' Thin Mints.

Most everyone’s fave and a top-seller for the Girl Scouts.  As a grownup counting calories, we can still go for the delish rush without the extra time at the gym.

Kudos to the Hungry Girl for discovering the trick of cutting cake calories while keeping tastiness intact. Her secret? Simply add a 12-ounce can of club soda to an 18.25 chocolate cake mix. Bake for the same time as dictated on the box. Or until a toothpick inserted in the chocolate middle comes out clean.

You can also be extra good and environment conscious by using unbleached chlorine-free baking cups. (Available at Whole Foods.)

Once the cupcakes are cool, add 2 teaspoons organic mint flavor to a can of Pillsbury’s Sugar-Free Frosting. (If using regular extract start with ¾ of a teaspoon.) Slather your cupcakes guilt-free. Many calories have we smart grownup girls saved. So, garnish with a teensy-weensy sliver of Andes Mint. 


(Extremely Mecha Oishi Delicious)


The Ninja Baker gets creative with the Girl Scouts' Samoas.

Make a basic yellow cupcake (or use a Duncan Hines Golden Butter cake mix.)

Scoop out the middles with a melon baller. You’re aiming for a doughnut shape – just like the Samoa. Fill in the middle with sugar-free caramel sauce. (Smucker’s squeezable bottle is pricier than the politically correct version in glass. But it sure saves on sticky cleanup.)

Slip a writing tip into a decorating bag. Squiggle lines across the caramel filled cupcakes.

Sprinkle with toasted coconut.*1

And you’ve got an irresistible Samoa cupcake.

*1 I use a toaster oven for my coconut. To keep from burning, I watch the flakes with the eye of an American eagle. Five or six minutes on the broil setting usually does the trick.

Adult Bourbon ??Otona Buttery Shortbread
?For Grownups Only 

Keeping in mind the vow to be “responsible for what I say and do,” after eating a batch of these, don't drivewink Whip up a pint of whipped cream (use heavy cream that’s not ultra-pasteurized.) Add 3 tablespoons of bourbon to the whipped cream. Swirl the lovely stuff atop a batch of baked Duncan Hines Butter Golden cupcakes. Savor the rewards of being a grown up good girl!

Wishing you grown up wisdom and joy.
©Watkinson 2011   

 The Ninja Baker