A free Umai (yummy in Japanese) box of an assortment of Japanese ramen noodles was gifted to the Ninja Baker from the lovely people at JapanCrate.com. All opinions are my own.

Ramen is standard go-to fare for students. Exhausted moms and workers love the miracle noodles, too. Fast in prep work, tasty to the palate, what’s not to love?
Testament to the yummy factor is the Japanese ramen shops burgeoning all over LA and San Francisco. However, nowhere near the number of ramen shops in Japan. Ten thousand (yes, 10,000!) Japanese noodle restaurants stand.
Similar to California, the health obsession has hit Japan. In my delightful Umai JapanCrate.com box, I discovered a Healthy Vegetable Ramen tagged Kenko (which means health in Japanese.) Since summer is sizzling in LA, I created a healthy California style ramen bento. Drained ramen arranged atop avocado and kale with assorted fresh veggies is scrumptious. The crunchy garnish put in the package by JapanCrate.com brings the bento to perfection. (Of course, the bento can serve as a plated supper for two.)

By the way, all the ramen packages in the JapanCrate.com are the real deal and made in Japan. So the directions are in Japanese. However, a pamphlet in English provides cooking directions. That’s why the noodles are to quote Goldilocks, “Just right.”

Serving suggestions accompany the directions in the pamphlet. Mini Bunashimeji Mushroom Udon states fish is the ideal accompaniment to the Japanese noodles. Shrimp and wild salmon and shrimp sprinkled on top of the ramen are an excellent choice. What kicks it up a notch are the yuzu (Japanese citrus) flavored sesame seeds, which came with my Umai box.
Want to receive a monthly box of Japanese ramen noodles? Visit JapanCrate.com/Umai. If Japanese candy or beauty elixirs from Japan are your penchant, visit JapanCrate.com/Crates. You can also check out @japancrate on Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and YouTube.