Chocolate is the Secret to a Long Life
Respect for the Aged takes place in Japan on September 21st. (It’s always the 3rd Monday of every month.) 117-year-old Mrs. Kane Tanaka of Fukuoka is gaining a lot of respect these days. News cameras are flashing and Twitter is aflutter about this very special birthday lady.
So you want to know what her secret? Chocolate and cola. Those are her favorite treats.
Perhaps there’s something to saying yes to oneself. Maybe it’s time to dismantle Southern California’s demigods of self-denial anything that starts with the “s” word -sugar!
Instead of striving for Barbie doll figures, and Botox injected foreheads; what if we defined happiness as the ultimate success? Saying yes to chocolate more often might even lead to more smile wrinkles.
In the US, celebrating our older generation is not yet a national holiday. In Japan, everyone gets a paid vacation.
America’s grandparents may never be celebrated as they are in Japan. Still we can all do our part; call grandma, share a bit of chocolate and sip a cola.
My beloved Nona passed years ago. I would have loved to share the chocolate twist (seen in the video below) on a classic Japanese dorayaki. (Pancakes stuffed with bean paste.) There is another though who is very interested in sharing my chocolate treat.
Wishing for you a long life and chocolate!!
The Ninja Baker © ™ Watkinson 2012 |
The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.