Easter Basket Cupcakes, #SundaySupper

Once upon a sunshiny Easter day in Tokyo this fledgling Ninja Baker was invited to an Easter egg hunt for the first (and last) time. The party was held at the home of a rich American man whose garden luxuriously stretched in all directions. (On an island such as Japan, property is a premium.)

The Ninja Baker...waiting for her Easter basket.


Parents were asked to help hide the Easter eggs. My father was put in charge of hiding the coveted golden (chocolate) egg. Guess who found the golden wonder? Yes. Yours truly.  I remember a lot of nervous laughter and ribbing. But I still swear  - and so will my father - no foul play was involved!

Easter egg hunts in Tokyo were the exception. However, my stepmother always made sure the Easter bunny delivered beautiful baskets replete with American jelly beans and British chocolate eggs. For today’s Easter/Passover Sunday Supper at Twitter (scroll down for your invite), I am contributing Easter basket cupcakes with fond remembrance of childhood sweets and tradition. (Our host is the lovely Alaiyo of the Pescatarian Journal.)

Easter Basket Cupcake: Colorful, Delicious & Full of Chocolate!

The cupcakes are easy, fun and kid-friendly. No matter the faith, religious / spiritual holidays are ultimately about love and spending time with family, right? Love to hear how you celebrate.


Easter Basket Cupcakes

Peep! Peep! Ready for some delicious kid-friendly fun? 

P.s. Even those of us who draw only stick figures can unleash the inner artist with Easter Basket Cupcakes.

  • 1 blue velvet cake mix or white cupcake batter created from your favorite recipe (dyed blue or any other color which sings to you)
  • ½ cup chocolate cake batter
  • 2 cups of chocolate frosting
  • 1½ cups sweetened coconut flakes
  • Green food coloring
  • 12 or more marshmallow Peep birds
  • Malted chocolate eggs


1. Prepare the blue velvet cake mix per package directions.
2. With an ice cream scoop, fill large cupcake cases ¾ full with the batter.
3. Mix up the chocolate batter.
4. Drop ¼ to ½ teaspoon of the chocolate batter on top of the blue cupcakes.
5. With a chopstick (or long skewer), gently swirl the chocolate into the blue batter.

6. Bake at 325 degrees for 25 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out crumb-free. Cool the cupcakes.
7. Slather with the cupcakes with frosting.
8. Spread out the coconut on wax paper. Drop green food coloring onto the coconut. Mix in the green. (Coconut can also be placed in a sandwich bag with green coloring and tossed vigorously.)
9. Sprinkle the green coconut grass onto the cupcakes. Top with a marshmallow bird and chocolate eggs.
10. Share with children (your own or a neighbor’s) and treasure the smiles.

Tip: Leftover chocolate cake batter can be used to create mini cupcakes for the calorie-conscious grownups. Reduce baking time to 16 to 18 minutes.

A few more SundaySupper Easter/Passover Recipes:

Sunday Supper Movement



Savory and Sweet Breads:

Sides and Salads:

Main Dishes:


Join the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. Check out our #SundaySupper Pinterest board for more fabulous recipes and food photos. Would you like to join the Sunday Supper Movement? It’s easy. You can sign up by clicking here: Sunday Supper Movement.  

Mini Easter Egg Basket Cupcakes with M & Ms


Wishing you the golden joy of spending Sundays with loved ones.

The Ninja Baker

© ™ Watkinson 2012

The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.



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