Gluten-Free Grateful Thanksgiving, #Glutino

Thanksgiving – a mostly gluten-free one – came early this year. Close family gathered around the table. We said Grace. Each person then shared memories of my mother. Mom crossed over a few weeks ago. She was born in Northern California. It’s fitting that 90 years later, the last stop on her Wimbledon tennis star adventures was Novato, California. 

My six-year-old great-nephew, Ethan, summed it up best. When told of my mother’s passing, he asked his parents, “Did she meet her goal?” After hearing an affirmative answer, he said, “Well, that’s good.”

Mom, Billie Jean King and yours truly at the 2011 Southern California Tennis Association Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony

Arthritis, Alzheimer’s and other health complications had made life challenging for my athletic Mom towards the end. It is better that she is with the Angels. Still, many tears spilled onto the table.

Mom, on the other hand, probably was smiling from Heaven. She loved great food. And my sister, Karen, and her culinary-schooled son, Chris, made sure the Thanksgiving table was laden with gourmet fare. The celebration was held in the home of my niece, Jasmine and her husband, Tim. Truly they were the most gracious, generous hosts I’ve ever encountered. (Martha Stewart would learn a tip or two from the twosome!)    

My great-nephew and I whipping up gluten-free chocolate cupcakes!

Sooo grateful to Glutino for making the baking so easy.

My great-nephew, Ethan and I were in charge of the gluten-free desserts. Thanks to a gift package from Glutino, I had a box of gluten-free chocolate cake mix. Glutino’s Gluten-Free Pantry Decadent Chocolate Cake Mix is the perfect way to create scrumptious cupcakes with a six-year-old. The steps are simple. And as advertised on the box, the result is “scandalously rich.” The chocolate flavor is divine and the crumb is tender.

Grateful for Thanksgiving and the opportunity to create
gluten-free chocolate turkey cupcakes...

With my great-nephew, Ethan!

After our cupcakes were cooled and frosted, Ethan and I proceeded to decorate our chocolate wonders. Our cookie turkeys were decorated with dark and white chocolates and licorice. Ethan particularly enjoyed the honey candy corn feathers. Please see the how-to below.

Guaranteed: Gluten-free chocolate cupcakes will be gobbled quickly!

Gluten-Free Grateful Thanksgiving Turkey Cupcakes

#glutenfree #chocolate #cupcake #Thanksgiving #glutino

Gluten-Free Glutino Turkey Cupcakes are at the top of my Thanksgiving gratitude list.
1. The cupcakes are fun to make kid-friendly projects.
2.  The turkey cupcakes are festive.
3. Rich chocolate cake can be shared by all in cupcake form by all. (Nobody ever guesses they are gluten-free!)

You'll need Nutter Butters for your Thanksgiving turkey cupcake decorations. Here's a link to a recipe for gluten-free peanut butter sandwich cream cookies.

  • Glutino’s Gluten-Free Pantry Decadent Chocolate cake mix
  • Gluten-Free Nutter Butters
  • Chocolate Frosting
  • White Chocolate Chips
  • Strawberry Licorice, cut into small strips
  • Candy Corns
  1. Bake chocolate cake cupcakes per package instructions.
  2. Cool completely.
  3. Frost the cupcakes.
  4. With a sharp knife slice the cookies in half.
  5. Microwave white chocolate chips for 20 seconds or just until soft.
  6. Place the soft chips onto the cookies as eyes.
  7. With a toothpick place a tiny bit of chocolate frosting onto the white chocolate chips.
  8. Again, using chocolate frosting, stick strawberry licorice strips as Thanksgiving turkey cupcake wattle.
  9. Place each decorated cookie half into the frosted cupcakes.
  10. Insert candy corns around the cookie for turkey feathers.



Sweet post script: If you are crunched for time but craving a bit of breakfast, bite into a Glutino Gluten-Free Frosted Toaster Pastry. Both the blueberry and strawberry jam filled pastries are sublime. You will be thankful for this information.

Wishing you a great-full Thanksgiving. 

The Ninja Baker

© ™ Watkinson 2012

The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.



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