Gluten-Free Grateful Thanksgiving Turkey Cupcakes

Gluten-Free Glutino Turkey Cupcakes are at the top of my Thanksgiving gratitude list.
1. The cupcakes are fun to make kid-friendly projects.
2. The turkey cupcakes are festive.
3. Rich chocolate cake can be shared by all in cupcake form by all. (Nobody ever guesses they are gluten-free!)
You'll need Nutter Butters for your Thanksgiving turkey cupcake decorations. Here's a link to a recipe for gluten-free peanut butter sandwich cream cookies.
- Glutino’s Gluten-Free Pantry Decadent Chocolate cake mix
- Gluten-Free Nutter Butters
- Chocolate Frosting
- White Chocolate Chips
- Strawberry Licorice, cut into small strips
- Candy Corns
- Bake chocolate cake cupcakes per package instructions.
- Cool completely.
- Frost the cupcakes.
- With a sharp knife slice the cookies in half.
- Microwave white chocolate chips for 20 seconds or just until soft.
- Place the soft chips onto the cookies as eyes.
- With a toothpick place a tiny bit of chocolate frosting onto the white chocolate chips.
- Again, using chocolate frosting, stick strawberry licorice strips as Thanksgiving turkey cupcake wattle.
- Place each decorated cookie half into the frosted cupcakes.
- Insert candy corns around the cookie for turkey feathers.