Magic. Never leave home without it. A sprinkle of fairy dust on grim reality is healthy. Like fairytales, a sense of awe leaves the door open to a belief in possibility - and magic!

Okayama, a city slightly southeast of Osaka, celebrates Japanese children’s story hero, Momotaro (The Peach Boy.) Momo in Japanese means peach. The Okayama region of Japan is rich in gorgeous peaches. But Momotaro is more than a mere mascot.

Manholes in Okayama are painted with scenes from the Momotaro story….The Peach Boy pictures are reminders to be brave, to believe that help can come from the most unexpected sources. You see, Momotaro, a boy born of a peach knows it is only right that he slay the demons taunting his beloved town. He sets out on his journey alone. But along the way he befriends a dog, a monkey and a pheasant. Team effort results in the downfall of the demons. And head home with treasures.

So, when Life presents me with lemons, I allow my adult self to remember the messages learned in childhood. I think of stories like Momotaro, The Peach Boy (read at bedtime by my beloved Japanese nanny.) I look back on my years on this planet earth; many times I’ve not known how I was going to make a living, get over health challenges, find true love. Yet, friends appeared. True love danced into my life. And strengths previously unknown awakened; scary demons were vanquished.

So, here’s my tribute to the beauty of childhood fairytales and heroes: Japanese Peach Boy Ice Cream. The fresh peaches truly are the heroes of this dessert. Natural sweetness shines bright in a smooth creamy base. Serendipitously, the recipe is child-friendly. Japanese Peach Boy Ice Cream may be the perfect intro to ice cream making. It’s a no-cook, no-churn wonder that produces magic!