Bunny Love Bento

#glutino #glutenfree #japanese #bento #kidfriendly

A scrumptious scoop of animal crackers stars in this gluten-free bento lunch. The bento is chock full of veggies, nuts and fruits that a bunny would love. But Bunny Love Bentos are not just for “wabbits.” (Remember the Trix cereal commercial?)

You’ll need:
A Japanese bento box 
Bunny rabbit cookie cutters

  • Almond butter and a favorite jam
  • Apple slices
  • Carrot sticks
  • Glutino Gluten-Free Animal Crackers
  • Glutino Gluten-Free Cinnamon Raisin or Multigrain Bread
  • ​Raisins or dried cranberries

Slather almond butter and jam on bread. Top with another slice of bread. Firmly but gently press the bunny cookie cutter into the sandwich.

Arrange the bunny sandwiches atop a nest of raisins or dried cranberries.

Fill the rest of the bento box with apple and carrot slices. Generously add a handful of animal crackers.