Miso Salted Caramel Chocolate Brownies


Kissed by rivers of caramel, rich chocolate-cake is enhanced by white miso: This is one brownie recipe you’ll never regret. Plus, with all the good-for-you ingredients, say sayonara to guilt. Carpe diem and enjoy!

Adapted from The Splendid Table Dark Chocolate Brownies recipe.

  • 7½ ounces dark chocolate
  • 7½ ounces unsalted butter (cut into small squares for easy melting)
  • Heaping 3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon white miso paste
  • Generous 1 cup plus 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 6 tablespoons whole grain flour (like Grist & Toll Red Fife) or all-purpose flour
  • 10 teaspoons cocoa powder
  • 4 large room temperature eggs
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • ¼ cup caramel sauce

Coat an 8” x 8” pan with coconut oil or other shortening.
Set the oven dial to 350°
Heat the water in the bottom of a double boiler so bubbles appear.
Melt the chocolate, butter and miso in the top pan of the double boiler.

Ninja Note:
No double boiler? No problem. Bring water to boil in a large pan.
Use a Pyrex or similar heat resistant bowl over the water.

In a large bowl, whisk together the powdered sugar, flour and cocoa powder.
Vigorously stir the dry ingredients into the melted chocolate, butter and miso mixture.

Take the pan off the heat. One at a time, whisk the eggs into the batter. Stir in the vanilla.
Pour the brownie batter into the prepared pan. Drizzle with caramel sauce.

Bake for 50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.