Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens #LosAngeles
Do you imagine a cosmopolitan city when you think of Los Angeles? It’s an accurate image. However, in the heart of the City of Angels, you’ll find the extraordinary Peace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens. The property is close in proximity to the hustle and bustle of downtown LA and Hollywood. Enter the cypress tree surrounded parking lot and your worlds away. There’s an immediate calming of the senses.
In order to get to the gardens, you climb marble steps and enter an aristocratic mansion. Gaze upwards in this Italian style villa and you see angels, cherubs and pastoral scenes on the ceiling. Glimpse into the 1914 built dining room to see the Greek god Bacchus celebrating. The original owner was a winemaker. (Italian born Secundo Guasti is a rags-to-riches story: He came to America with little money; married a restaurant owner’s daughter…and purchased acres to harvest grapes!)
After the 1930s the wine cellar became a movie viewing room. Oscar-nominated director and choreographer, Busby Berkeley acquired the mansion in the 1930s. The wine cellar became a movie viewing room. (His films featured dancers in art nouveau tableaus.) He also turned the conservative breakfast room into a Moroccan smoking room.
Leaving the gorgeous mansion, waterways and fountains glitter in the sun. Stroll the eleven circuits of the Chartres inspired labyrinth. The sacred geometry created “walking meditation” is designed to unwind the mind, to shed the stresses of the world.
The Asian accented meditation gardens allow for many Zen moments. Mini bamboo groves shade stone paths. Japanese koi can also be glimpsed from a red bridge.
Visit for tickets.
ロサンゼルスと言うと国際都市を想像しますか。それは正しいイメ-ジですが町の中心で珍しいPeace Awareness Labyrinth & Gardens(平和庭園、瞑想センター、ラビリンス)と呼ばれるオアシスのような場所があります。騒がしいダウンタウンとホリウッドに近いですが、西洋ヒノキに囲まれた駐車場にひとたび入ると街の喧騒や華やかな生活は離れていきます。
豪華な家から一歩、庭に出てみると噴水の水がキラキラと輝いています。フランスのチャット大盛堂と似ているラビリンスも見えます。ラビリンスは英語で「walking meditation」とも呼ばれています。ここは歩いている間、瞑想をする目的の場所です。何百年前の神聖な幾何学の元に使った回路を歩きながら、人々の心を癒していきます。
Wishing you a peaceful journey. 幸せな旅を。
The Ninja Baker © ™ Watkinson 2012 |
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