
Strawberry Chocolate Bento, #Chocolate Party

Bento lunch boxes – from Hello Kitty and polka dots to somber and simple – are seen in school lunchrooms, corporate cafeterias in Japan. Most every Japanese home has one. 
The demand for the stylish lunch boxes in the U.S. seems to be on the rise; more and more supermarkets and internet sites in the U.S. are selling the stylish lunch boxes.Americans are picking up on this Japanese custom of fixing bento boxes for lunch.


Roxana’s Home Baking Chocolate Party gave this Ninja Baker the perfect excuse to create a dessert bento box... 

Japanse Castella Pound Cake & Chocolate Buttermilk Buttercream, #ChocolateParty

Castella honey cake has been a treasured gift in Japan since the 1600s. Portuguese sailors and merchants brought Paõ de Castela, Bread of Castile to Japan in the 1600s. Even when all foreigners were kicked out of the country by the Tokugawa shogunate for 200 years, the cake stayed. For several centuries the treat was reserved for rich folk – like the Emperor! Today the royal dessert is readily available to all.