#Creative Cookie Exchange

Matcha Cream Filled Sugar Cookies, #Creative Cookie Exchange

Japanese artists like Hiroshige and Shotei have transformed the challenges of winter into masterful works of art.  Although aesthetically pleasing to the eye, bitter winds and bone-chilling temps are realities for those residing in Japan...So, when spring rolled around for  my spirits lifted. Instead of seeing stark tree branches shivering grey, delicate pink cherry blossoms quivered.  Bushes which had been bare for months, boldly pronounced the start of a new season with fuschia and red azaleas. 

Strawberry Pocky Chocolate Cookies, #Creative Cookie Exchange

Strawberries sparkle on vines throughout Japan. Elegant patisseries showcase the red jewels atop cakes and ice cream sundaes. Strawberries are also consistently combined with chocolate...My white chocolate cookie is stuffed with bits of Strawberry Pocky and Kit-Kat from Japan. The Japanese have taken America's Kit-Kat to another level by...