#Oreo #Cookies #CincodeMayo #ChildrensDay #Japan #SundaySupper

Oreo Taco Cookies #SundaySupper

Since samurai times Boy’s Day (now Japanese Children’s Day) is celebrated on May 5 in Japan. After vanquishing the French in 1862, Mexican warriors started the tradition of a great big party on May 5, Cinco de Mayo. Although the reasons for the festivities are different, both holidays honor courage. The French word for heart is coeur. All great warriors know that to engage in battle takes great heart. Festivals are fun. But whilst nibbling, oh, say on an Oreo Taco Cookie and staring at a samurai accouterment, it’s nice to remember why the May 5 holidays began.

So, I’m glad that parades still take place in Puebla, Mexico where the battle victory over the French occurred.  I’m grateful too that in Japan, remnants of the samurai rituals of initiation remain. Kabuto, the crowning helmet of battle armor is displayed in many homes. Koi, carp flags flutter everywhere, symbolizing the brave fish that swim upstream.

Japanese Children’s Day is also about praying for the health of our kidlets...