Super Bowl

Super Bowl Bento, #SundaySupper

With the arrival of Super Bowl season, a spell seems to take hold of my husband. Like many American football fans, the TV mesmerizes him. He shouts, waves his hands and dances in front of the television. With all this expended energy, my husband needs nourishment. But man - especially a gluten sensitive one - cannot live by bread and football alone. So, I prepared a Super Bowl bento (Japanese lunch box.)

Sweet Potato Cake Pops, #SundaySupper

Super Bowl Sunday is here!

While Michael Oher, Baltimore Ravens' football star (and subject of the film) Blindside prepares for the big game with extra push-ups, his sister  who is the co-owner of the Whimsy Cookie Company may be putting in overtime baking  cookies for a Super Bowl party.

Along with other #SundaySupper food bloggers, I brought out my cheer-evoking Super Bowl recipes. In honor of the big-hearted Michael Oher and his adopted Tuohy family from Memphis, Tennessee, this Ninja Baker made Gluten-Free, Vegan Sweet Potato Cake Pops. Sweet potatoes are an important component of Southern cuisine and wildly popular in Japan. 

I do believe you'll score big points with the Ninja Baker's Gluten-Free Vegan Sweet Potato Cake Pops.
