#tuna #tomato #Japanese #bento #SundaySupper #easyrecipe

Tuna and Tomato Bento #SundaySupper

When Japanese TV weather reporters start their cherry blossom forecasts, you know it’s spring. Due to the diversity of temperatures in Japan, the pretty pink petals are spotted at different times. Follow the Parade of Cherry Blossom Festivals and Parties, you’ll see picnics! Who wouldn’t want to enjoy yummy treats under branches laden with pink? Truly it is like fairyland. Parks in Japan turn into magical places.

You want to rush out and enjoy the delights of spring. Tuna and tomato bento boxes are the perfect solution. This Japanese bento is easy to prepare and super-nutritious. Tuna is good for the heart. Thanks to omega-3 fatty acids. Tomatoes are packed with vitamins A, B6, C and K. The best part of tuna and tomato bentos are the deliciousness. Tucked into Japanese rice, the tuna, tomato and a dash of soy sauce tickle the tongue with salty and sweet.

Even if you live in Antarctica, tuna and tomato bento are...