
Plum Wine Cake, #TheCakeSliceBakers

With the arrival of spring across the Northern Hemisphere, Japanese plum wine is spot on for sipping or pouring into cake. In Japan, flowering plums precede its more famous sakura cherry blossom cousin. Plum blossom viewing parties also commenced long before the idea of a cherry blossom viewing party came into fruition. The change in popularity occurred about the time political allegiances transpired. (When the capital of Japan moved from Nara to Kyoto. The current capital of Japan is Tokyo.) However, the Japanese plum blossom was never banished.

Plum blossoms may currently take second place to the cherry blossom in terms of popularity. But, Japanese plum blossom festivals and parties are sprinkled throughout Japan. The flower and fruit of the Japanese plum blossom continue to thrive in Japanese culture and cuisine.

Banana Nut Pocky Cupcakes, #TheCakeSliceBakers

Banana bread is one of the first distinctly American baked goods I remember as a child. I was eager to emulate my glamorous stepmother, Barbara, so I was eager to adopt the same likes and tastes. An especially easy task when something as scrumptious as banana bread is served...My stepmother, Barbara, swept into my life on my sixth birthday party.  The birthday balloons, the cake, and probably my dress were pink.