
Cherry Blossom Tea Cookies, #CreativeCookieExchange

“The spring breeze wearing cherry blossom petals,” is a breathtaking sight in Japan. Seeing the frail flowers fall to the ground is a tug on the heart. The blossoms of the cherry tree are exquisite but short-lived like the time of mere mortals on planet earth. To ensure precious life is enjoyed, many a picnic with loved ones take place under the cherry blossoms in the months of March and April. (Typically cherry blossom season. The southern regions of Japan see cherry blossoms in March. As the southern blossoms fade, cherry trees begin to bloom in the Northern Japan.) Picnic baskets are often brimming with veggie sandwiches, traditional Japanese sweets and beer! Thanks to the latter, much singing is also heard in the groves of Japanese cherry blossoms.

Given the Japanese reverence for cherry blossoms, it is no surprise that sakura (cherry blossom in Japanese) is...