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Chocolate Pocky Cake, #SundaySupper

Dorothy clicks her ruby red slippers and declares three-times: “There’s no place like home.” Magically, the little girl and her dog, Toto are transported back to safety and comfort. Do you ever wish you could click your heels and go back in time?  When challenged with the unfamiliar, foods singing of childhood memories do seem to beckon this Ninja Baker. After School Snack Time in Tokyo: Chocolate Pocky &... Read More

Chicken Ramen Mini Casseroles, #SundaySupper

Ramen. The Japanese noodles are everywhere. First I thought LA’s love affair with ramen was exclusive to this City of Angels. However, after traveling across this (mostly) great United (sometimes) States of America, I see Japanese ramen noodles nodding hello from the Asian aisles in supermarkets in even the sleepiest seaside towns. The Ninja Baker's Chicken Ramen Mini Casseroles America’s welcome of the ubiquitous... Read More

Japanese White Bread, #TwelveLoaves

French style patisseries line Tokyo’s Omotesando and rival any found in Paris cafés. Omotesando Hills is adjacent to the long catwalk of fashion boutiques of Harajuku. (Remember fashionista singer Gwen Stefani’s Japanese backup dancers named the Harajuku Girls?) Beyond the high-end patisseries are mom-and-pop coffee shops where huge hunks of Japanese white bread are served with butter and jam. Or topped with skinny strips of... Read More

Reduced Sugar Donuts, #SundaySupper

Happy New Year! Peace and healing are the hallmarks of 2015. This is the Year of the Sheep in the Chinese zodiac. (Want to know what kind of animal you are? Click here.)   The Ninja Baker's Reduced Sugar Donuts topped with  Japanese Plum Wine Glaze. How serendipitous that only healthy, lighter foods will be served at our first #SundaySupper in 2015. (Scroll down to see your invite to the #SundaySupper virtual table... Read More

Paleo Pound Cake, #SundaySupper

Is a year ever wrapped up with a neat little bow? Are you still basking in the gratitude of unexpected gifts? Or are you grappling with unforeseen circumstances? Maybe it’s a bit of both. 2014 brought the exhilarations and unexpected lessons of first time home buying for husband, David and me. Our (now former) Boulder, Colorado condominium. If you're interested in one of the top school districts in the country, we... Read More

#EatDrinkBeMerry Gluten Free Christmas

There is magic in the air as the dawning of Christmas Day approaches. Smiles abound and Santa is not the only one with a twinkle in his eye. Udi’s Gluten Free certainly is in the Christmas spirit. Scroll down to see how you can win LOTS of prizes from the famed seller of scrumptious gluten free goodies. Udi’s Gluten Free also gifted this Ninja Baker with two big boxes of fantabulous yummies. (After years of only nibbles of bread, I... Read More

Carrot Cupcakes, #TheCakeSliceBakers

The Cake Slice Bakers are a group of bakers from around the world. Every month a new challenge arrives...Currently, we are presented with the opportunity to bake one of four preselected recipes from Southern Living’s The Southern Cake Book. This Ninja Baker’s winning choice? Carrot cupcakes! (Adapted from The Southern Cake Book's Apple Pecan Carrot Cake recipe.) In my junior year of high school I spotted carrot... Read More

Chocolate Chip and Mandarin Orange Cookie Bars, #CreativeCookieExchange

A hush of peace, a rush of joy, December brings a bundle of contradictions. An explosion of chocolate, cookies and cakes crowd kitchen counters. Shoppers shimmy past one another in malls, snatching toys of technology, which promise happiness. Yet, a sense of the profane also presides over the season.  Candles are lit. Songs of praise to the Creator spill from homes, synagogues and churches. I’m comfortable with the holiday... Read More

Rum Glazed Cookie Cream Buns, #SundaySupper

Drunk on the joys of the season, I created Rum Glazed Cookie Cream Buns. Doughnut textured buns stuffed with cookie cream, smothered with rum glaze and topped with Japanese cookie crumbles, Rum Glazed Cookie Cream Buns are this Ninja Baker’s celebration of Christmastime dessert! Japanese sables garnish Pillsbury Bake-Off inspired cookie cream buns glazed with rum icing. The Japanese butter sable cookie package reads... Read More
