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Lemon Yuzu Cookies, #SundaySupper

Once Upon A Time, in ancient Japan, an aromatic Asian citron named Yuzu-chan swayed in the breeze. Contemplating the sliver of crescent moon, the fruit thought of its Chinese ancestors. Many of Yuzu-chan’s family survived the trip via the Korean Peninsula. However, as in all journeys, there was great loss. Some seedlings did not survive. But as moonlight bounced on the tree branch where Yuzu-chan was nestled, he nearly burst with citrus... Read More

Sunshine Cake, #SundaySupper

Ninja Baker Philosophy 101:  S-t-r-e-t-c-h. Get creative with those Easter / Passover / Sunday Supper leftovers. But don’t skimp on dessert! Especially if it’s a Sunshine Cake. (Scroll down for the easy peasy recipe.) Sunshine Cake Bring on the heaps of whipped cream, chocolate, cookies and cupcakes! That’s what I’d like to do…One tiny complication; this Ninja Baker is doomed to diabetic consequences... Read More

3 Easy Gluten-Free On The Go Kid-Friendly Breakfasts, #Glutino#Giveaway

Glutino provided product and coupons for this post and giveaway.  All opinions are my own. Scroll down for opportunities to win coupons for FREE Glutino products.  Gluten-free bread which will leave you wondering why you don't always use gluten-free flour! “Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends.” (Shakespeare, William. Henry VI, Part I: Act 3, Scene 2, Line 34)  Not all of us are strategizing... Read More

Plum Wine Cake, #TheCakeSliceBakers

  The Cake Slice Bakers are a group of bakers from around the world. Every month a new challenge arrives...Currently, we are presented with the opportunity to bake one of four selections from Southern Living’s The Southern Cake Book. Amaretto-Almond Pound Cake called to The Ninja Baker. Alas, Italian Amaretto was vacant from this baking ninja’s kitchen. So, Japanese plum wine was substituted and resulted in... Read More

Japanese Yuzu Citrus Biscotti, #CreativeCookieExchange

Japanese yuzu citrus pucker passion commenced in 710 AD Japan. The Chinese import looks and tastes like a cross between a lemon and a lime. The pungent yuzu fruit remains popular today in Japan.  (Yuzu brightens, and punches up the flavors of both Japanese desserts and dishes.)  Japanese yuzu citrus biscotti with bits of white chocolate  Chocolate – often affectionately called “choco” in Japan – is... Read More

Spring and St. Patrick’s Day Cake Pops and Cupcakes, #Pejoy

The gift of a giant box of Matcha Green Tea Pejoy was delivered to the Ninja Baker from Glico. (Glico is the manufacturer of Pejoy, Pocky, Pretz and other scrumptious Japanese snacks.) While I am grateful for this generous present, all opinions are my own and I was not monetarily compensated for this post.  A cap of white chocolate and matcha Pejoy crumbles atop the Ninja Baker's lemon cake pop. St. Patrick shooed away snakes... Read More

Lemon Brasadella Italian Coffee Cake, #TwelveLoaves

When Life gives you lemons, make Sugar Free Lemon Brasadella Italian Coffee Cake! What is the sourest lemon sentence you can give a foodie? A doctor demanding a reduction in sugar, threatening diabetes gave this Ninja Baker a wake-up call. Good news is I lowered my numbers and am no longer on the diabetes precipice. I also learned to eat protein before diving into dessert. Previously I skipped the bacon and filled up a ginormous frozen yogurt... Read More

Gluten-Free Donuts, #SundaySupper

I nibbled the Ninja Baker’s adaptation of a BabyCakes gluten-free donut. Deeeelicious! Whew! Substituting banana for applesauce along with a few other Ninja tweaks made for one scrumptious gluten-free donut. Dare I say it? I do believe my gluten-free donut was better than a regular cake donut! Added bonus: My gluten-free donuts are also vegan! Simple but scrumptious, this gluten-free and vegan donut is a royal delight! Today’... Read More

Imitation Game Guinness Brownies, #SundaySupper

Did you see The Imitation Game?  Pour in a heavy dose of suspense; sprinkle in intrigue; introduce a quirky mathematician and unlikely love-interests. Toss the elements into England’s Bletchley Park (code breaker headquarters) during WWII. After 114 minutes in the movie theatre, you may see why The Imitation Game is nominated for eight Oscars. Without leaking spoiler alerts, a conversation about love at the local pub prompts a major... Read More
