Santa Cookies, #SundaySupper

Santa Claus beckoned. Game face on, I approached the jolly man in the red suit. Securely seated on his velvet lap, I whispered my wishes. Cinnamon spices and pine cones scented the air with Christmas. The photographer’s camera flashed and the elf firmly escorted me off Santa’s lap. In a daze from the magical encounter, I’d grasp my Japanese nanny’s hand. Would Santa bring the desired dolly? My nanny, Kawaji-san, assured me with a sweet smile that all would be well. Sigh. Priorities of childhood have shifted. As they should.  Still, I want to believe that a Santa Claus – a benevolent grandfather - will bring presents and reward me for being good.

Classic sugar cookie with milk for Santa Claus.

Santa Claus gifts only those who are nice, not naughty. Right? Or is Christmas about gratitude for Grace? Clarence needed George Bailey as much as the classic Jimmy Stewart character needed the angel. (Watch It’s A Wonderful Life to spark Christmas cheer.)

Spice up your cookies for Santa with
hot chocolate spiked with cinnamon.

Maybe the generous, kind spirit of Santa Claus lives in our hearts. What if there is no good or bad? Every day we are gifted with a chance to learn in this classroom called planet Earth. Perhaps the lesson plan is to see that inherently we are good because we are children of the Creator.

Strong coffee and a sugar cookie will help Santa stay awake,
wrap and deliver all his presents.

Thank you for allowing me to wax philosophical at year’s end. My Santa Claus cookie recipe ensues. Gifts of gratitude from friends and family will be yours with offerings of Santa Cookies. Ninja Note: Christmas carol playing will prompt more deliciousness and fun Santa Cookie making.


Santa Cookies

#santa #cookies #easy #recipe #SundaySupper

Santa Claus cookie creation is delicious fun. Especially when songs of the season are playing and strong coffee is brewing. 

This Santa cookie is adapted from a recipe at

  • 2 rolls Pillsbury refrigerated sugar cookies
  • ½ cup all-purpose flour
  • 4 cups powdered sugar
  • 2 packages Betty Crocker red cookie icing
  • 2 packages Betty Crocker white cookie icing
  • 1 package mini chocolate chips
  • 1 package white chocolate chips
  • 1 package mini (green) and red M & Ms
  • 1 package coconut flakes

On a wax covered cutting board, roll out the refrigerated dough. Knead in the flour and sugar. Scoop up ½ tablespoonfuls of dough and roll into balls. Place on parchment lined cookie sheets and flatten. Bake for 16 to 18 minutes in a 350°degree oven. Cool completely and decorate.

With the red cookie icing create Santa’s cap on the top half of the cookie. Trim with white cookie icing. Drop a white chocolate chip at the top of Santa’s cap. With the white icing glue on the mini chips and M & Ms for the eyes and red nose. Also with the white icing create Santa's coconut beard.

Here are a few more ideas to brighten your Christmas.
The recipes are from the creative crew of the Sunday Supper Movement.
Scroll down for details. 




Main Dishes

Side Dishes


Quick and Easy Holiday Recipes #SundaySupper by Sunday Supper Movement

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Join the #SundaySupper conversation on twitter on Sunday! We tweet throughout the day and share recipes from all over the world. Our weekly chat starts at 7:00 pm ET. Follow the #SundaySupper hashtag and remember to include it in your tweets to join in the chat. To get more great Sunday Supper Recipes, visit our website or check out our Pinterest board.

Wishing you presents which bring you joy at the holidays and always.

The Ninja Baker

© ™ Watkinson 2012

The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.