3 Easy Ways to Make Gluten-Free Chocolate Party Treats, #Glutino

A generous gift box from Glutino was delivered to the Ninja Baker’s kitchen. All opinions are my own.

Glutino Gluten-Free Decadent Chocolate Cake Garnished with Glutino Chocolate Vanilla Crème Cookies.
(You may be saying goodbye to Oreos. They are that good!)

Pretty party fare in a pinch: 
All it takes is a bag of Glutino gluten-free chocolate cake mix and a box of Glutino Vanilla Crème Cookies.

It’s almost hilarious isn’t it? Technology was/is supposed to be a time-saver. I thought mobile telephones, text messages were designed to provide freedom; and assist in the pursuit of happiness. Instead of more time with friends, family and fill in the blank hobby – mine is dancing –  it seems I’m spending more time online. It’s hard to put down that mighty phone. Don’t get me wrong; thanks to the online community I’ve met some truly stellar and inspiring fellow humans. Maybe I’m the only one who has yet to figure out the work/life/fun balance thing. Please do share your secrets to harmonious living in the comments section.


Glutino Gluten-Free Double Chocolate Brownies Topped with Pink Chocolate Glaze

A box of Glutino gluten-free brownie mix takes minutes from start to finish...
To add a fancy drizzle, simply melt a bit of white chocolate with a dash of your favorite color.

One strategy I have mastered pretty well is party food in a pinch. Glutino products have come to the rescue in these modern times where many can only eat gluten-free desserts. By the way, I’m not just saying that because I received a fabulous box of Glutino gluten-free goodies. Case in point, last week I was in San Francisco at a family gathering. My great-nephew demanded that his Auntie K make chocolate cookies. My sister eats only gluten-free products. My head was feeling like the San Francisco fog had invaded. Still, I was able to impress with Ninja moves in the kitchen thanks to Glutino. I whisked together a Glutino sugar cookie mix with a 1/2 cup of cocoa, a teaspoon of vanilla, 2 eggs. 30 minutes later my great-nephew was doing his best to sneak seconds before supper...Sorry, I don't have the photos...Auntie K took a nap soon after...Keeping up with a six-year-old takes a lot of energy!

Glutino Kahlua Mocha Cookie Bars Sprinkled with Pecans on top of Swirled Caramel Sauce. 
(Made from Glutino Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix. The recipe is below.)

You may have more creative ideas on last minute party desserts. Again, please do share in the comment section. This planet is a classroom. Some lessons aren’t so thrilling. However, learning how to make desserts prettier and yummy is always fun!

Gluten-Free Kahlua Mocha Cookie Bars

Adapted from the back of the Glutino Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix.

The Gluten-Free Kahlua Mocha Cookie Bars are the magic solutions for last minute demands for school bake sales or impromptu potluck suppers. The caramel and pecans compliment the mocha chocolate flavors with panache.

  • Contents of a bag of Glutino Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix
  • Generous ¼ cup of unsweetened cocoa
  • 2 tablespoons of instant espresso powder
  • 2/3 cup + 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tablespoons Kahlua
  • 5-6 tablespoons caramel sauce
  • ¼ cup chopped pecans

Whisk together the Glutino Chocolate Chip Cookie Mix, cocoa and espresso powder. Set aside.

In a separate bowl, with an electric mixer, beat the butter until fluffy. Slowly stir in the chocolate chip cookie mix/cocoa/espresso combo into the butter. Beat in the eggs, one at a time. Finally , give the mixture a good stir and incorporate the Kahlua.

Note: If you want to avoid alcohol,  substitute the Kahlua with 2 teaspoons of vanilla.

Spread the dough in a buttered 13 x 9 pan. Bake in a 350° oven for 24 to 26 minutes. Do not overbake. Insert a toothpick in the center; if it comes out clean, the bars are definitely ready. Probably better if a crumb or two is attached to the toothpick if you want a more moist bar.

Cool. Drizzle with caramel sauce. Sprinkle pecan bits on top.

Wishing you a myriad of reasons to celebrate.

The Ninja Baker

© ™ Watkinson 2012

The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.



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