
Gluten-Free Donuts, #SundaySupper

I nibbled the Ninja Baker’s adaptation of a BabyCakes gluten-free donut. Deeeelicious! Whew! Substituting banana for applesauce along with a few other Ninja tweaks made for one scrumptious gluten-free donut. Dare I say it? I do believe my gluten-free donut was better than a regular cake donut! Added bonus: My gluten-free donuts are also vegan!

Today’s #SundaySupper chat at Twitter is all about recipes using beans. (Scroll down to see your invite to the virtual dinner table.) So, Erin McKenna’s BabyCakes gluten-free cake donut recipe, which requires garbanzo bean flour, fit the bill. To honor the beanirific #SundaySupper theme, I also added vanilla bean paste.

Dipping my gluten-free donuts into rose-colored candy melts, a few musings about the humble bean stirred…

Gluten-Free Pumpkin Cake Donuts, #SundaySupper

Budget-friendly recipes is the topic of today’s #SundaySupper. (You’re invited to join the chat around the virtual Twitter dinner table. Scroll down for detail.) After pouring over pages of potential budget-friendly goodies, I landed upon the site of King Arthur. Photos of their pumpkin cake donuts looked irresistible. Pumpkin cans are aplenty in the Ninja Baker’s kitchen. Have you noticed canned pumpkin goes on sale during the holiday season? Well, with their long shelf life, I stocked up...Originally I set out to replicate the King Arthur recipe. Something felt off. The still small voice was talking.