5 Tricks to Tantalizing Treat Trays, #PacificMerchants #Giveaway
Halloween is creeping up on us fast! In a blink of an eye, many of us will be serving Thanksgiving turkey. (And scolding spouses to stop watching football in favor of family time. Not any spouses I know of course!) Soon after, snow may alight in time for Christmas in colder climates. Along with the fall leaves and flurries, the season ushers in holiday parties. I love the festive spirit of this time of year. It’s like we’re given an extra excuse to celebrate life! For greater ease during the holidays, I’ve prepared 5 Tricks to Tantalizing Treat Trays...And a giveaway!
1. Steal a secret from Japanese Geisha Girls:
Japanese geisha girls flirt with colorful fans, kimono and cuisine. Bright colors and shapes are pleasing to the eye whether you are one or eighty years old!
Sweet Ninja Moves for the Holdiays
2. Stealthy Shy Ninja Moves:
Are you an introvert or extrovert? If you are the latter, you can probably rely on your gregarious ways to generate conversations. For the rest of us introvert types, party chat booster suggestions are always welcome. Here’s my ninja tip: Treats from an Asian or other ethnic market can fan the fire for discussion about other countries and cultures. Pictured are rainbow mochi (pounded rice) sweets and matcha (green tea) chocolates.
Rainbow Mochi and Chocolate Matcha
3. Health Rules:
With the advent of GMOs (see my rant here), many are afflicted with food allergies. You will be seen as a super gracious host when you serve gluten-free and/or vegan options…Also, unfathomable to some of us, but some guests do prefer protein (i.e. cheese) over cake!
Cinnamon Sugar Speckled Gluten-Free Donuts & Vegan Chocolate Cakes
4. Grab, Go ‘n Gobble:
Mini cookies, candies and cheeses are easy to grab, go ‘n gobble. One lucky reader will win the Pacific Merchants English Kilner glass crammed full of Japanese plum and green tea candies. The mini aspect also allows guests to grasp a treat in one hand and a drink in another. Speaking of drinks…
Chocolate Topped Pumpkin Cookies & Green Tea and Plum Candies
5. Grownup Treats:
Holidays, in my mind, are all about the kidlets. But grownups will be ever grateful for a nip of Japanese plum wine or Burgundy tucked into special sweets. Pictured: The Ninja Baker’s Japanese Plum Wine frosted chocolate cupcakes.
Grab 'n Go Grownup Chocolate Cupcakes
The treats in this post are presented on trays from Pacific Merchants who scour the globe for superior tableware. This Ninja Baker was gifted with lovely acacia trays and English Kilner glass containers. Two lucky readers will also be gifted with giveaways from Pacific Merchants. (A glass jar or an acacia tray.)
Even if your name is not drawn, you’ll be a winner by doing business with Pacific Merchants. Why?
Enter the Giveaway!
In addition to an Acaciaware tray,
Japanese plum & green tea candies in this elegantly crafted English Kilner jar could be yours...
Pacific Merchants:
- Offers free shipping orders over $50
- Gives 15% discount for newsletter sign-up
- And is an eco-friendly company
Wishing you the happiest holidays ever!
The Ninja Baker © ™ Watkinson 2012 |
The Ninja Baker has guest blogged and contributed recipes to numerous food sites. These additional recipes can be found here.
Follow Ninja Baker @NinjaBaking's board NinjaBaking.com Sweets on Pinterest.