
Japanese American 4th of July Cupcakes, #Glutino #Giveaway

One of my first jobs in LA upon arrival from Tokyo was a seating hostess at a prestigious Japanese restaurant. I stood at the front with the cashier. My nimble with coins and credit cards colleague was a native Californian. Her parents were born and raised in Japan. As assimilation into America was important, speaking, reading and writing English were encouraged. My cashier friend did pick up snippets of Japanese phrases at home. Her mates and work at school, however, required English. When Japanese customers walked into the restaurant, they’d ask my colleague a question. She’d turn to me and I’d answer. The situation did produce some comical moments.

3 Gluten-Free and Divinely Decadent Cakes, #Glutino #Giveaway

Celebrations call for cakes, right? To celebrate my third Glutino Giveaway, I created 3 Gluten-Free and Divinely Decadent Cakes. The recipes are simple and the results are splendid. While friends admire your cakes, you may even find yourself saying, “It was nothing.” You will be telling the truth! For a minimum of effort, you’ll get maximum dessert excellence. Warning: Be prepared to assure your friends and family, “Yes! The cakes are really gluten-free!”

3 Easy Gluten-Free On The Go Kid-Friendly Breakfasts, #Glutino#Giveaway

I’ve created 3 Easy Gluten-Free On The Go Kid-Friendly Breakfasts so your schedule can be freed up to cuddle those close to you. And, yes, to free up a bit of time for that pampering you’ve been putting off. So, no more excuses. Make the 3 Easy Gluten-Free On The Go Kid-Friendly Breakfasts and skip off guilt-free to the day spa or to that mani-pedi or to the time-out on the couch to watch the Days of our Lives!  

Lemon Brasadella Italian Coffee Cake, #TwelveLoaves

When Life gives you lemons, make Sugar Free Lemon Brasadella Italian Coffee Cake! What is the sourest lemon sentence you can give a foodie? A doctor demanding a reduction in sugar, threatening diabetes gave this Ninja Baker a wake-up call. Good news is I lowered my numbers and am no longer on the diabetes precipice. I also learned to eat protein before diving into dessert. Previously I skipped the bacon and filled up a ginormous frozen yogurt cup...Sugar-free, gluten-free Lemon Brasadella Italian Coffee Cake baking in the oven smells luscious. Lemon scents wafting through the apartment had me hopeful. Turning the lemon coffee cake out of the bundt pan proved promising, too.

#EatDrinkBeMerry Gluten Free Christmas

There is magic in the air as the dawning of Christmas Day approaches. Smiles abound and Santa is not the only one with a twinkle in his eye. Udi’s Gluten Free certainly is in the Christmas spirit. Scroll down to see how you can win LOTS of prizes from the famed seller of scrumptious gluten free goodies. Udi’s Gluten Free also gifted this Ninja Baker with two big boxes of fantabulous yummies. (After years of only nibbles of bread, I’m now consuming Udi’s Gluten Free Millet Chia every other morning!)  Here are a few suggestions to inspire and infuse your Christmas day with the spirit of good cheer.

5 Tricks to Tantalizing Treat Trays, #PacificMerchants #Giveaway

Halloween is creeping up on us fast! In a blink of an eye, many of us will be serving Thanksgiving turkey. (And scolding spouses to stop watching football in favor of family time. Not any spouses I know of course!) Soon after, snow may alight in time for Christmas in colder climates. Along with the fall leaves and flurries, the season ushers in holiday parties. I love the festive spirit of this time of year. It’s like we’re given an extra excuse to celebrate life! For greater ease  during the holidays, I’ve prepared 5 Tricks to Tantalizing Treat Trays...And a giveaway!

Vegan Mini Chocolate Cream Cakes, #SundaySupper

Have you ever tripped and found yourself sprawled out on the sidewalk? I’m not speaking metaphorically. I woke up anxious about my massive to-do list. I  pushed the feelings aside. Women are masters of multi-tasking, right? Starbucks in hand, I was determined to check off the items. Life had other plans. Preoccupied with “priorities” while scanning Santa Monica storefronts, the jagged sidewalk escaped my attention. Splat!