Lemon Brasadella Italian Coffee Cake, #TwelveLoaves

When Life gives you lemons, make Sugar Free Lemon Brasadella Italian Coffee Cake! What is the sourest lemon sentence you can give a foodie? A doctor demanding a reduction in sugar, threatening diabetes gave this Ninja Baker a wake-up call. Good news is I lowered my numbers and am no longer on the diabetes precipice. I also learned to eat protein before diving into dessert. Previously I skipped the bacon and filled up a ginormous frozen yogurt cup.

Sugar-free, gluten-free lemon Brasadella Italian coffee cake goodness.

Adapting a gluten-free donut recipe from BabyCakes Covers the Classics by Erin McKenna (vegan and gluten-free guru to the stars, popular owner and cookbook author), I was inspired to experiment like Ms. Erin in the baby stages of BabyCakes. Plus I had great success baking a Paleo Pound Cake using stevia and erythritol (an aspartame-free sugar substitute)…Sooo I decided to put my many lemons, bottles of lemon extract and Penzeys Spices lemon peel into a sugar free, gluten-free Italian coffee cake.

Coffee cake with a lemon pucker Italian style. 

Sugar-free, gluten-free Lemon Brasadella Italian Coffee Cake baking in the oven smells luscious. Lemon scents wafting through the apartment had me hopeful. Turning the lemon coffee cake out of the bundt pan proved promising, too. I drizzled a simple lemon glaze (made with organic lemon juice and real powdered sugar) over the coffee cake. I sliced a sliver of Lemon Brasadella; said a quick prayer and took a bite. The texture, the crumb of the moist lemon Italian coffee cake were splendid. A+. Lemon definitely said hello – which is a good thing if you like lemony baked goods. However, there was a slight stevia aftertaste. Next time, I’ll increase the erythritol and reduce the stevia measurements. (Both corrections are reflected in the recipe below. (Originally I used one cup of erythritol and a ½ tablespoon of stevia.) If you were born without a sweet tooth you might like to keep the erythritol to a cup. Plus, if you want to keep true to the tradition of the Italian Brasadella Cake, baking more lemon pucker and less sugar is right in line.

A drizzle of lemon glaze brightens Italian Brasadella coffee cake with a touch of true sweetness. 

Love to hear how you’ve turned lemons into sweetness in your life!

Lemon Brasadella Italian Coffee Cake

Lemon fans will love the luscious lemon flavor and the calorie conscious can now allow themselves cake! 


Lemon Brasadella Italian Coffee Cake

  • 2 cups rice flour blend
  • ½ cup coconut flour
  • 1¼ cup erythritol
  • ¾ teaspoon liquid stevia
  • Rind of 1 lemon
  • 1½ teaspoons lemon juice
  • 3 teaspoons lemon extract
  • 1 teaspoon (Penzeys Spices) powdered lemon peel
  • 3 teaspoons baking powder
  • 3 tablespoons organic all vegetable butter flavor shortening
  • 4 eggs, slightly beaten
  • 8 teaspoons milk

Lemon Glaze

  • ¾ cup powdered sugar
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

Lemon Brasadella Italian Coffee Cake

Fold all ingredients together by hand in a large bowl until well combined.

Ninja Note: The batter is more like bread dough and less like cake batter.

Spread the batter into a bundt pan well greased with coconut oil and floured with coconut flour.

Bake in a 375 degree oven for 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Lemon Glaze

Whisk together the powdered sugar and lemon juice until smooth. Drizzle over the cooled cake.


#TwelveLoaves is a monthly bread baking party created by Lora from Cake Duchess and runs smoothly with the help of Heather of girlichef, and the rest of our fabulous bakers. Our host this month is Rossella from Ma ch ti sei mangiato, and our theme is Italian Breads. For more bread recipes, visit the #TwelveLoaves Pinterest board, or check out last month's mouthwatering selection of #TwelveLoaves Olive Breads!